Monday, August 17, 2009

Derek Humphrey, President of the Hemlock Society

(Picture, Derek Humphrey) I happened to be looking for more information on Peter Singer and this man's name came up in my search. Derek Humphrey. Yes, I mentioned his name last week in Sunday School as a proponent of physician assisted suicide (euthanasia). He is also the founder and President of the Hemlock Society, a pro-euthanasia organization. He has written a book, Final Exit, and in one of his opening quotations he makes this statement in regards to the sanctity of life, "We are trying to overturn 2,000 years of Christian tradition." Peter Singer, also in his book, Rethinking Life and Death, made a similar quote. "After ruling our thoughts and our decisions about life and death for nearly two thousand years, the traditional Western ethic has collapsed." Wow! Now, Singer is a colleague with Dr. Ezekiel Immuel, who is brothers with Rahm Immuel, who is the Chief of Staff to President Obama. Does any of this make sense?

There is no question we need health care reform but the thinking expressed by Humphrey, Singer and Immuel, and their closeness to the
President, sends chills up my spine. There needs to be a bi-partisan think tank that needs to rethink the health care proposals. Now, I find it difficult to believe that President Obama and the members of Congress our proposing "end of life" concepts similar to what Singer, Humphrey and Immuel support. I do believe if this HR 3200 Bill is enacted (kind of doubt it right now) there will be rationed care and who will be affected the most? You guessed it, the elderly. But, I don't know. President Obama states we are no longer a Christian nation, supports a homosexual agent and believes in a pro-choice agenda regarding abortion. Singer, Humphrey and Immuel are proponents of "quality of life" and argue against the sanctity of life and are in the President's hip pocket. If these men want to play God, I pity them. God is the creator of life and death and rules the universe with His sovereign will. Potentially, this is a slippery slope and we as Christians, need to be passionate about our beliefs regarding the sanctity of life. Why? We have no other alternative. Our Christian beliefs are under attack.

Follow Up to Chuck Colson's Breakpoint Quality Control

At yesterday's Sunday School class I played for you an audio clip by Chuck Colson regarding the Health Care debate. His summation was that we need to read, think and listen to what is being presented to us and the questionable philosophical concepts of utilitarianism in response to Health Care. Now, Colson mentioned an individual by the name of Pete Singer. I confess, I didn't know a thing about who he was. I did some research and found an article that YOU all need to READ. He is a colleague of Dr. Ezekiel Emmuel who Colson talks about as well in Breakpoint. The article is called, Peter Singer: Architect of the Culture of Death.

If you have been attending Sunday School, the last few Sundays, we have been discussing Euthanasia and Quality of Life vs. Sanctity of Life. Pete Singer is a bio ethicist and is responsible for the Quality of Life arguments. I think you all will be surprised at what you are about to read. I am stunned, astounded that we have people in leadership who feel this way. As Christians, we need to be aware. This reminds me of a verse in Psalms 12:5, which I believe God will pour out His wrath on those who bring harm to the weak.

"Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will protect them from those who malign them."

Architect of the Culture of Death

BTW, if you would like to listen to Chuck Colson's Breakpoint, here is the website. The audio clip is called Quality Control and dated, July 27, 2009.

Breakpoint: Quality Control

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Interesting Debate On NPR With Jay Sekulow

National Public Radio Health Care Debate: End of Life Decision & the Health Care Bill. One bill in Congress covers consultations between patients and doctors over 'end-of-life' issues. ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow debates the issue with Dr. Joseph Fins, chief of medical ethics, Weill Cornell Medical College.

Health Care Debate: End of Life Decision and the Health Care Bill

If you prefer reading a transcript of the debate, here is the site.

Health Care Debate Transcript

Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law and Justice

Here is a video clip from Jay Sekulow of ACLJ discussing the Health Care Reform Bill. We discussed this in Sunday School. Topics discussed "death panels", government intervention and abortion funding. Checkout the American Center for Law and Justice website. There is quite a bit of information regarding Christians and American culture.

American Center for Law and Justice

August 16th, Sunday School Presentation

Here is the Presentation I did for Sunday School on August 16th if you would like to view it.

View more documents from mrjlbillett.

Study Guide, August 16th

Here is the Study Guide for August 16th I passed out during Sunday School.

View more documents from mrjlbillett.

Articles On Capital Punishment

I'm sorry we didn't finish the Capital Punishment discussion however, I would think that most of you probably have formed your opinion. The Bible is clear that Capital Punishment is necessary. In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul instructs us that we are to obey human government that bears the sword. In other words, since God created government to maintain law and order, laws must be enforced. If Capital Punishment is the law, than it must be carried out. Here are some articles on Capital Punishment which might stimulate your thinking.

Capital Punishment: For and Against

Albert Mohler: God, Moral Judgment and the Death Penalty

Is John 8 a Condemnation of Capital Punishment?

Florida Educators Arrested for Violating Church and State

Here is the article we discussed in Sunday School today in regards to Church and State. Interesting to say the least.

Florida Educators Arrested

Friday, August 14, 2009

Article From the Liberty Counsel On President Obama's Health Care

Interesting article from the Liberty Counsel regarding President Obama's Health care.

United Kingdom National Health Services Raises a “Red Flag” about ObamaCare

Articles On Health Care and Euthanasia

Over the last week, if you have been paying attention to the news, there has been quite a bit of discussion about the Health Care Reform 3200 Bill and what is referred to as a "death panel." I find this hard to believe that our government would be supporting a committee such as this but there is some language in the bill which is questionable and needs explanation.

Also, I'm not trying to be a propagandist or a sensational journalist but I try to provide articles that will encourage you to research the Health Care Reform Bill on your own and come to your own conclusion. As Christians, we need to weigh both sides of this argument and apply God's principles in regards to the Sanctity of Life.

Here are a few articles I've found on this subject.

Sarah Palin, Health Care Creates Death Panels

Live and Let Die

Terminally Ill Cancer Patient In Oregon

An Inconvenient Truth About the Death Panel

The Truth About Obama's Death Panel

There Is No Death Panel, It's An Absolute Outrage

August 9th Presentation

Here is a copy of the August 9th, presentation in Sunday School.

Study Guide August 9th

Here is a copy of the August 9th, Sunday School class study guide.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Here are two websites that I found which are good in comparing the arguments for Health Care Reform and arguments against it. Take a look!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Liberty Counse's Overview On the Health Care

Here is some information I received from the Liberty Counsel in regards to the Health Care Reform Bill which is now a "hot topic for discussion" in our country. There are a few issues such as abortion and "questionable language that seems to indicate euthanasia" that the Right To Life, Sanctity of Life and other organizations are perplexed by. This is only FYI (For Your Information) and in no way telling how you should respond. I would encourage all of you to at least look through the overview of the bill and if you have time, look over the areas in the bill the Liberty Counsel has indicated are problematic.

Overview of Health Care Reform Bill HR 3200

Copy of the Health Care Refrom Bill 3200

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Guttmacher Institute On Abortion

If you are interested in viewing some of the abortion slides I used on Sunday's class here is the link to the website. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page. It has quite a bit of information you might find interesting on abortion.

Guttmacher Institute On Abortion

Homosexuality in the Episcopal Church

This is a recent broadcast from one of Albert Mohler's radio shows. I thought it was relevant to what we are studying in Sunday School.

Homosexuality in the Episcopal Church

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Study Sheet, Aug. 2nd

Study sheet given out today at Sunday School.

Christian In A Secular America 5

This is the PowerPoint presented at Sunday School.